Girl Scouts of America App: Leaving No One Left Without A Cookie

February 25, 2013

Mobile integration allows businesses to market audiences in a whole new realm. This method opens up many doors of opportunity allowing customers on-the-go to access your business as well. With the Girl Scouts of America Cookie Fundraising program, it is necessary to actually meet and speak with a member of the organization. As these popular cookies have been sold for over a hundred years, the Girl Scouts of America application allows for people in the community to see what kind of cookies are offered as well as find out where and when they can be purchased.

The girls use Sage, a mobile payment device and application similar to the Square or Paypal Here. These payment devices allow smartphones to access and process credits cards instantly on-the-go. These devices are also connected to essential tools online that track the activity, time and money of sales. This allows invoicing each customer and records a full sales history for each Girl Scout. By using your mobile device for sales, the doors of opportunity are always open when customers are present.

In 2012, nearly 40,000 Girl Scouts were able to accept mobile payments. This allowed for the a great increase of sales including cookie sales rising 27% and a 14% increase in sales-per-girl in Ohio. In Fresno, CA sales transactions averagely increased about $80 in 2012.

The convenience of this application is what makes it so useful to both the community and the Girl Scouts themselves. The Girls can’t make it to every single retailer but surely, there are many people who would love to purchase these cookies and this app helps them to find what they are looking for during the season. With the increasing success of 2012, this year is sure to have an positive outcome for Girl Scout cookie sales as well.